Youth Support Library

Articles and Papers

A list of most of the Youth Support articles by Dr Birch are available below - many are incorporated in the Journal Section of this site - (reference the Journal issue cited) others feature in the books section as chapters. Most of those on this page are not featured elsewhere. (incomplete entries are being updated) - Also see Reports and Reprints

Most recent:      Child Alienation      Group Behaviour and Psychology

Papers and articles     Chronologically


Teenage sexuality , the consequences of restricting access" (to contraceptive services) Paper presented to Royal Society of Medicine Nov 1986.


Teenage pregnancy and access to contraceptive and abortion services" presented to NAC (National Abortion Campaign) conference 1986

Teenage sexuality and the Media" presentation at International Symposium on Adolescent Health Sydney 1987 (also published in "New Universals" Australia 1988 and Journal of Adolescent Health and Welfare" vol. 1 no 1 1988.) teenage sexuality media
Schoolgirl pregnancy - a culture of poverty" paper presented at International Medical Women's federation conference on adolescence April 1987, Sorrento, Italy and published in "Journal Adolescent Health and Welfare" vol2 no 1 1989. culture of poverty
L'Education Sexuelle; Health Education, a media approach" paper presented at Societe Francaise de Medicine des Adolescents (SFMA) conference June 1987 Paris France.  
That old Black Magic? - Belief systems in teenage pregnancy" presented at SAM meeting New York March 1988 - Published "Journal Adolescent Health and Welfare" vol 1 no 4 1988. -    Reformatted as workshop presentation with tape slide teaching pack for Society of Child Guidance Centres Oct 1988. Belief Systems
Republished as "Teenage belief systems about sexual health" International Journal of Adolescent Health 1990. Belief Systems
Schoolgirl pregnancy - social aspects" presented to International Society for Reproductive Medicine. June 1988. Reported in British Journal Hospital Medicine.  
Adolescent Health in Britain" International Journal Adolescent Health Feb 1988. Adolescent health Britain
The search for the True self in adolescence - the dilemma of childhood handicap" SAM presentation San Francisco 1989 Journal Adolescent Health and Welfare Vol2 No 1 Spring 1989 True self
Sports Medicine - "The Training stresses for children and Young People" Society of Public Health conference Manchester University 1989 Journal Ad Health and Welfare Vol2 No 3 1989 Training stresses
The school medical" and "Diet and Preparing for the Marathon" Society of Public Health - Members Newsletter. 1990 training stress
Providing staff support in implementing child abuse procedures" Co author Alan Chandler - former Divisional Education Welfare Officer DO9 (Lambeth). Journal of Adol Hlth & Welfare Vol3 no 1 1990 child protection 1990
School age Pregnancy, the International scene" questionnaire to 50 countries - Journal Adolescent Health and Welfare Vol4 no 4. 1991. Teen pregnancy international
Sex Education - Does Mother Know Best?" Journal Adolescent Health and Welfare Vol. 3 No4 1990. sex education
Healing abuse - Working with the family that is not there" - SAM presentation March 1991. Healing abuse
Teenage Pregnancy - A problem for the nineties?" NoVum Magazine February 1992. Journal adolescent Health and Welfare Vol 4 No 2 Summer 1991. problem for nineties
HIV infection - AIDS and the Young" conference report (Joint conference Society of Public Health and Youth Support Feb 1991) aids conference 1991
Community Care - Have we developed a new concept?" Public Health 1992  
Deprivation, Health and Educational need" Jour of Adolescent Health and Welfare 6 1 1993 Deprivation, health education
Emotional Abuse - the hidden scars" - J
our Adol Hlth and Wel 6;1 1993
Emotional Abuse - hidden scars
Youth And Violence Royal Society of Medicine - Forum on adolescent health October 1993 Youth Viloence
Encounters with Bernhardine, Munchausen Syndrome in Adolescence" Jour Adol Health and Wel 6: 2 1993 Bernhardine
A study of self esteem measurement, possible relationship with early pregnancy" J. Ad Hlth &Wel 6: 2 1993 Self Esteem
The role of the sports medicine doctor in the Martial arts" Jour Adol Hlth and Wel 6:3 1993  
Rehabilitation and the family - what do we hope to achieve?" Jour Ad Hlth and Wel 7; 1 1994 Rehabilitation
Working with Families - How not to perpetuate the abuse" Jour Adol Hlth and Wel 7 ;1 1994 working families

The Impact of images – Effect of Media on adolescents - 1994 International Regional Chapter Workshop  26th Annual meeting of the Society for Adolescent Medicine - Los Angeles 1994

see journal 7 1 1994 and text
The abused young adult - barriers to acceptance in society" European Ass Adolescent health - Utrecht 1994 - also published in International Journal of Adolescent Health - Freund Publishing - vol 8 no 4 1995 Barriers
Homeless Youth and Runaway Youth in the Urals" Jour Ad Hlth and Wel 7; 2 1994 Runaway youth urals
Consultant for - Aladdin Books - "Puberty and Growing up" Feb 1995  
Special report - the health status of Adolescents in Europe" Dec 1995 International Paediatrics Health  Europe
Multicultural Issues in Adolescent Care 1995 Multicultural
Teenage patterns - comparison of teenage attitudes in UK and Jamaica" presented at International Association for Adolescent Health meeting Vancouver Canada March 1996  
Using Psychodrana with abused teens" Society for Adolescent Medicine meeting Vancouver Canada March 1996 using drama

Incest - Where are the Boundaries?”An International Perspective on Sexual abuse of teenagers Society for Adolescent Medicine meeting Vancouver Canada March 1996

Adolescent Behaviour and Health" Current Paediatrics 1996 6 80-83 Adolescent Behaviour
Adolescent Sexuality " Current Paediatrics 1996 6 80-83  

Qualitative Research  Journal of Adolescent Health and Welfare Volume 9 - No 3 - Summer 1996


 "The Adolescent family in a changing Society” European Ass Adolescent health – Lisbon 1996

Consultant for - Aladdin Books -"Sex and Sexuality" 1996.  
The long term consequences of Abuse" - presented at open lecture - Health and Social services departments - Hong Kong 1996  
Teenage Pregnancy" open lecture - Health and Social services departments - Hong Kong 1996  

"Adolescent Health – A Decade of developments" – Journal of Adolescent Health and Welfare – anniversary edition 1996

Decade Developments

"Teenage Sexuality and Schoolage Pregnancy" – Journal of Adolescent Health and Welfare – anniversary edition 1996


“Youth Our Resource for the Future” Proceedings Conference on Adolescent Health & Welfare Oct 1996.


Bonnies Story;

Teenage Pregnancy and Sexuality

Resource for the Future;
Bonnie's Story
The Adolescent Parent- A fifteen year Longitudinal study of school age Mothers and their Children" presented at International Conference on Health and Culture in Adolescence Jerusalem Israel Nov 1996 Pub Journal Adol Health and Welfare Vol 10 no 3 Autumn 1997 Adolescent Parent -15 years

"The Adolescent Parent- A fifteen year Longitudinal study of school age Mothers and their Children" presented at Royal College of Nursing London  - May 1997


15 yr study;
Pearl of the Orient - Adolescent Health Care in Hong Kong" case discussions - Journal Adol Health and Welfare Vol 10 no 1 Spring 1997 pearls orient
Youth - Our resource for the future" Society of Public Health Members newsletter March 1997  
Schoolgirl pregnancy - a continuing culture of poverty" - presentation at SAM meeting San Francisco March 1997 continuing culture of poverty
Psychological issues in teenage pregnancy" - International Adolescent Psychiatry meeting -Campobasso and University of Rieti - Italy May1997  Psych pregnancy
Peer Counselling workshops - Kingston Jamaica July 1997 See Youth
Using 'Project work' with young drug abusers in a residential setting" Presented at IAAH European Chapter meeting - Lausanne September 26 and 27th 1997 - The Adolescent with addictive/dependant behaviour: Risk and resilience. Authors - Dr Diana Birch - Director; Esther Mensah - Senior Care Worker; Sonia Lucia - Psychology Student. Journal of Adolescent Health and Welfare Volume 11 - No 2 - Summer 1998 European drugs;  Drug Guides
Youth Support Forum on Adolescent Health and Welfare - Twelfth Forum Meeting 1997 - At The Royal Society of Medicine, 1 Wimpole Street, London WC1, Thursday 23rd October 1997 - "Self Harming Behaviours and Eating Disorder" Journal of Adolescent Health and Welfare Volume 11 - No 2 - Summer 1998 Self Harm
Exploitation of Youth - An International Perspective' presented at SAM International Regional Chapter Institute Wednesday 4th March 1998 - Atlanta Georgia and published in Journal of Adolescent Health and Welfare - Volume 11 - No 3 - Autumn 1998 " exploitation youth
The Question of Abortion - presented to seminar St Barnabas Beckenham May 1998 - Chaired by Dr James Pitt-Payne; with Speakers - Professor James Drife - Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology University of Leeds; Paul Tully National Information Officer SPUC - The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children and Dr Diana Birch - Director Youth Support - Journal of Adolescent Health and Welfare - Volume 11 - No 3 - Autumn 1998 Abortion Question
Teenage Pregnancy - findings of fifteen year follow up" presented at University of West Indies - Mona Campus Jamaica - July 1998  
Peer - Counselling" series of monographs for workshops with youth - produced for Women's Centres of Jamaica Foundation - Kingston Jamaica July 1998 See Youth
Teenage Pregnancy and Psychological factors" presented Havana Cuba 1998 Not just Sex!
Youth - Conserving our Resource for the Future" International Conference on Adolescent Health - Royal College of Physicians London 1998 Conserving our resource
Young Fathers" International Conference on Adolescent Health - Royal College of Physicians London 1998 Adolescent Fathers
Workshop on Psychological Issues in Early Pregnancy" International Conference on Adolescent Health - Royal College of Physicians London 1998 psych teen pregnancy
When is a family dysfunctional? - A cross cultural view." International Regional Chapter Workshop at SAM 1999 Los Angeles Journal of Adolescent Health and Welfare- Volume 13 - No 2 -Summer 2000  
Psychological Issues in Early Pregnancy" Presentation at International Conference on Adolescent Health, Mexico City, March 1999  
Early Parenthood - Myths, reality and long term consequences" - Presentation for VI Congreso Latino-Americano de Obstetricia y Ginecologia de la Infancia y la Adolescencia - Havana Cuba May 1999 and published in Journal of Adolescent Health and Welfare - Volume 12 - No 3 - Autumn 1999 Myths Reality consequences
Just for fun … Our Mum in Havana " published in Journal of Adolescent Health and Welfare - Volume 12 - No 3 - Autumn 1999  Havana
Physical, Sexual, Emotional - The effects of violence against the adolescent" presented at First International Conference on Youth and Violence, Jerusalem Israel 1999. Violence against adolescent
Peer Counselling in Jamaica - Peer counselling and Story Telling. Journal of Adolescent Health and Welfare - Volume 13 - No 1 -Spring 2000  
Youth in a Violent Age - The Challenge of the new millennium?' - International Regional Chapter Workshop at SAM 2000 Washington USA. Journal of Adolescent Health and Welfare - Volume 13 - No 3 - Autumn 2000  
Survey of emotional effects of earthquake - Italian schools 1999 - A Survey of the Psychological and Emotional Consequences of Earthquakes - The Italian Earthquake study - Youth Support Italia Traumatic Stress
Profiles of Family Work - presented at European conference on Adolescent health Royal College of Physicians October 1999 Profiles
Traumatic Stress - Emotional effects of trauma - presented at conference 2000 Italia April 2000 Traumatic Stress
Developmental issues in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - Gioventu` Duemila - Italy April 2000  
Traumatic Stress and abuse - Italy 2000.  
Early Pregnancy - Its not just sex - International Conference Royal College of Physicians October 2000 Not just Sex!
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in Youth - International Conference Royal College of Physicians October 2000 Traumatic Stress

Strengths of Youth - Protective Factors?' for SAM meeting March 2001 San Diego

Teenage Sexuality overview - VII Congreso Latino-Americano de Obstetricia y Ginecologia de la Infancia y la Adolescencia (ALOGIA) XIII World Congress of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology and VII ALOGIA Congress Buenos Aires April 2001. PowerPoint Presentation
Dealing with abuse and deprivation - the Youth Support experience - International Congress Brazil Salvador May 2001 PowerPoint Presentation
Embarazo en la Adolescencia No se trata solo de sexo ! - presented at Conference on Adolescent Health and Adolescent Gynaecology Havana Cuba May 2001 Early Pregnancy Cuba
How Does the Care System prepare Youth for Parenthood - presented at BAAF conference in Bath September 2001 Care system
Cross-Cultural issues in Teenage Pregnancy - Discussion - Society for Adolescent Medicine Boston March 2002  
Its Not An Easy Road - presentation on teenage pregnancy in Jamaica April 2002 see video
Presentation of teenage pregnancy in three cultures and across twenty year span - 'International Conference on Adolescent Health and Welfare'  London October 2002 see Video
Peer counselling workshops Personal Development; Teen Suicide; Abuse; Relationships; Crisis Intervention in Kingston and London 2002. See Guides
Its Not An Easy Road - Presentation of Teenage Pregnancy and parenthood across twenty years and in three cultures" - Satellite session at SAM Meeting Seattle March 2003 see Video
Peer counselling workshops Personal Development; Teen Suicide; Abuse; Relationships; Crisis Intervention in Kingston and London 2003. See Guides
Stop Suicide Campaign - Suicide as a Failure of Communication - Suicide Prevention Conference University of Kentucky February 2004 Suicide
Stop Suicide Campaign - A Service for troubled Youth - Suicide Prevention Conference University of Kentucky February 2004 Suicide ppt
2005/6    Child Alienation      
2007       Group Behaviour and Psychology